Market data

High performance crypto asset market data

Provides access to historical and real-time data from more than 30 of the world's leading spot and derivatives cryptocurrency exchanges.


Systematic and quantitative trading Use our historical data set to design, train and backtest trading models. Use real-time data sets for trading and portfolio risk management.


Study Examine market microstructure and examine issues related to price discovery, lead and lag analysis, liquidity, transaction costs, and false volume.


Value Use basic data types to calculate accurate pricing for portfolio valuation, accounting, and tax purposes.


Indices and financial products Use our consolidated datasets to build independent indexes for benchmarking or indexes related to financial products or derivatives contracts.


Trade execution Use real-time data sets to monitor the best bids and offers on the trading floor and as an input to an intelligent order router or trade execution algorithm.

Provide the most professional encrypted data.

Multi-market coverage

- More than 30 of the world's leading spot and derivatives cryptocurrency exchanges

-3000+ assets

-4k+ Yes

-22k+ spot market

-10k+ derivatives market

Multiple Useful Tools


Custom drawing tools

Backtest player

Customize the data panel

Custom indicator

Price warning device

Leading indicator

Atlas browser

Analysis report

Access to the
most professional market data

Provides you with market data on all top crypto assets as well as insightful aggregated network data metrics.